16 January, 2010


An irresistible comedy about the value of effort and bettering oneself, for DBH students. The most appropriate English and all the most interesting contents are waiting for you. The show must go on!

When? 25/2/2010 What time? 9:45, 11:30
Where? I.E.S. JUAN A. ZUNZUNEGUI (Portugalete )
Doctor José Zaldua, 20

Read the story of Impossible is nothing:

Susan, Marion and Brian are three high school friends. One day they are asked to do a group project for their psychology class.
Marion decides to invite Steve, a very strange student, to do the project with them, but Susan and Brian do not agree with her. When Steve arrives he almost does not speak and, when he does, he disagrees with all their ideas. Susan gets very angry and tries her hypnosis classes on him. She succeeds and Steve is completely hypnotised. Marion does not believe this is possible and asks Steve to steal Amy Winehouse’s wig.
The following day he appears with the wig and the news of the robbery appears in the newspaper. Now, all of them realise that Steve is really hypnotised and they do not know what to do with the wig. While they are talking about this, Susan accidentally wakes up Steve who, although scared, decides to help them to give the wig back. They make a plan and go to Amy Winehouse’s house.
After several funny events they achieve their goal and Amy recovers her wig.

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