07 April, 2010


Azur & Asmar is the story of two boys raised as brothers. Blonde, blue-eyed, white-skinned Azur and black-haired, brown-eyed, dark-skinned Asmar are lovingly cared for by Asmar's gentle mother, Jénane, who tells them magical stories of her faraway homeland and of the beautiful, imprisoned Djinn Fairy waiting to be released from her chamber by a good and heroic prince. Time passes, and one day Azur's father, the master of the house, cruelly separates them: Azur is sent away to the city to receive schooling from a personal tutor, while Asmar and his mother are driven out from his home, homeless and penniless.
Years later, as a young adult, Azur remains haunted by memories of the sunny land of his nanny, and sets sail south across the high seas to find the country of his dreams. Arriving as an immigrant in a strange land, (a medieval Maghreb, full of dangers, magic spells and wonders), Azur is rejected by everyone he meets on account of his "unlucky" blue eyes, until finally he resolved never to open those eyes again. The once-beautiful child clad in gold is reduced to a blind beggar. Yet, blind though he is, little by little and step by step, he discovers a beautiful and mysterious country. Meanwhile, back in her homeland, Azur's nanny has become a wealthy merchant and Asmar has grown into a dashing horseman and is now a member of the Royal Guard. Reunited, but now as adversaries, the two brothers set off on a dangerous quest to find and free the Djinn Fairy.

If you want to see the trailer click next.


  1. This is a fable that links themes of racial and cultural barriers, immigration, prejudice and superstition with a fairy tale.
    It is the most beautiful animated film I’ve ever seen! Gorgeous!

  2. Azur y Asmar is a very good film, and it shows that anyone can be the inmigrant, no only the black people.

    Ismael Estalayo & Asier Magán

  3. Its very funny, and it has fellings.
    We like it. :)

  4. we like this film because it is very interesting and we have learned more things about a racism.we thought that this film show the real life of the inmigrant and the they feelings.

  5. we think that the emigrats when came to other county, they feel scared because they feel rare and they don´t have money, nothing to eat, a house to sleep and a job to earn money

  6. we think that the people have very serious problem with imigrants. They think that the imigrants are bad persons or criminals,but we don´t agree with them.

  7. We think that the imigrants feel bad because the people who live there reject them. They do that because the imigrants have a different colour skin. We think that is wrong since everybody is the same inside.

  8. We like that film because it demostrates that the racism isn't always with the person who have a black or dark sking, usually like in this film, the racism is versus "different" people. Because they're fat or slim, because they're have glasses, but all this is very grong. All the people is same and we've the same rights.
