03 January, 2011



While we describe the most significant songs of The Beatles, you will learn many anecdotes of the most famous quartet in pop music history: how they formed, how they came to compose their most famous themes, the differences that led to their break ...

Music listening: Selection of nearly two dozen of their most emblematic themes. An essential history of the twentieth century music.

Before going to the theatre it is important that we listen to the songs from the show, and why not learn them?

ROCK & ROLL MUSIC             LOVE ME DO            SHE LOVES YOU
A HARD DAYS NIGHT                    HELP                     TICKET TO RIDE
I FEEL FINE                           YESTERDAY                    MICHELLE
TAXMAN                           YELLOW SUBMARINE           SGT. PEPPERS
LADY MADONNA                       HEY JUDE                    REVOLUTION
LET IT BE                           COME TOGETHER               GET BACK

These are all the LP covers of The Beatles.
Click to see more covers.


Farinelli, was a famous opera singer in the time of Handel, the famous German composer. Farinelli was a castrato… ; he was castrated by his own brother during childhood in order to preserve his singing voice – it was a popular practice in the 16th century in Western European chapel choirs as the Roman Catholic Church had traditionally banned females from singing in church.

This movie was actually what started my fascination with the mystery and allure of a castrato, this is a wonderful film of breathtaking sights and sounds.

When seeing this film you will have the chance to witness the supreme singing of a castrato (this phenomenon of castrati happened centuries ago and there isn’t any recording available, it is in fact a lost art… as part of the arias sung by a castrati are so complex and difficult that they cannot be performed today... This film uses both male and female voices in a unique reconstruction to recreate the sound of Farinelli’s singing voice.

I was totally swept off my feet by the beautiful singing combined with the romantic baroque settings. This film shall remain forever special in my heart.

This aria, Lascia Ch'io Pianga sung in Farinelli Il Castrato is my personal favourite piece. No matter how many times I listen to it, I just can’t get tired of it. This aria is deliciously painful and sad. Yet... I love every second of it.

12 April, 2010

This film is about the hunger and poverty brought about by Globalization. There are 10,000 people dying everyday due to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left this people.


Hello. We are the students of ENGLISH PRESS in 4DBH level.
Do you want to listen to the latest news at school? Listen to us.

07 April, 2010


Azur & Asmar is the story of two boys raised as brothers. Blonde, blue-eyed, white-skinned Azur and black-haired, brown-eyed, dark-skinned Asmar are lovingly cared for by Asmar's gentle mother, Jénane, who tells them magical stories of her faraway homeland and of the beautiful, imprisoned Djinn Fairy waiting to be released from her chamber by a good and heroic prince. Time passes, and one day Azur's father, the master of the house, cruelly separates them: Azur is sent away to the city to receive schooling from a personal tutor, while Asmar and his mother are driven out from his home, homeless and penniless.
Years later, as a young adult, Azur remains haunted by memories of the sunny land of his nanny, and sets sail south across the high seas to find the country of his dreams. Arriving as an immigrant in a strange land, (a medieval Maghreb, full of dangers, magic spells and wonders), Azur is rejected by everyone he meets on account of his "unlucky" blue eyes, until finally he resolved never to open those eyes again. The once-beautiful child clad in gold is reduced to a blind beggar. Yet, blind though he is, little by little and step by step, he discovers a beautiful and mysterious country. Meanwhile, back in her homeland, Azur's nanny has become a wealthy merchant and Asmar has grown into a dashing horseman and is now a member of the Royal Guard. Reunited, but now as adversaries, the two brothers set off on a dangerous quest to find and free the Djinn Fairy.

If you want to see the trailer click next.

31 March, 2010

The @ symbol


The @ symbol, used by grocers and accountants throughout the English-speaking world to indicate a rate, or cost per unit, as in “10 gal @ $3.95/gal” (ten gallons at three dollars and ninety-five cents per gallon), has become the delimiter in e-mail addresses, separating the user’s name from the domain name.

Although the change from at meaning for a given amount per to at meaning “in a specified (electronic) location” comes fairly naturally to English speakers, it does not for native speakers of other languages, for whom neither at nor @ meant anything until e-mail came around.

Indeed, a fair number of Internet users live in countries that don’t use the same alphabet English does (Japan, China, former republics of the Soviet Union including Russia, and Arabic-speaking countries, to name some major ones), and where the keyboards did not include the @ character until after its widespread use on the Internet made it a necessity.

As a result, while in some languages @ is simply called "at", in others, a wide variety of interesting nicknames have been developed for this little symbol. Most are based on the shape of the character, others are more abstract.

Metaphors range from
animals (snail, worm, little dog, horse, duckling)
to body parts (elephant’s trunk, monkey’s tail, cat’s foot, pig’s ear)
to food (strudel, cinnamon roll, pretzel).

Here you are another well-known examples:

In Basque, it is called "a bildua" (wrapped “a”).

In Catalan, it is called 'arrova' (which means a unit of measure), or 'ensaïmada' (because of the similar shape of this food speciality)

In Spanish and In Portuguese it is called 'arroba'. It denotes a pre-metric unit of weight and both the weight and the symbol are called arroba.

In French, it is arrobase or arrobe or “a” commercial . Same origin as Spanish, which could be derived from Arabic, ar-roub.

26 March, 2010

How do animals sound like?

Animal sounds

verb to make the sound that a sheep makes
verb to make the short loud sound that a dog makes
verb if a dog bays, it makes a long loud sound, especially when it is hunting
verb to make the deep sound that a bull and some other large animals make
verb to make the sound that a sheep or goat makes
verb to make the loud rough sound that a donkey makes
verb when a frog croaks, it makes a low loud rough sound in its throat
verb if an animal such as a pig grunts, it makes a low sound
verb to make a long ‘s’ sound like the sound that a snake makes
verb if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound
verb when cows low, they make their typical deep long sound
the American spelling of miaow
if a cat or kitten mews, it makes a short, very high sound
verb if a cat miaows, it makes a short high sound
verb to make the long deep sound that a cow makes
verb to make the high loud sound that a horse makes
verb if a cat purrs, it makes a continuous quiet low sound because it is happy
verb if a lion roars, it makes a loud deep sound
verb if an animal such as a dog or a lion snarls, it makes an angry sound in its throat and shows its teeth
verb if a horse snickers, it makes a low quiet sound in its throat
verb if an elephant trumpets, it makes a loud high sound
verb if a dog whines, it makes a high noise, usually because it wants something
verb if a horse whinnies, it makes a high sound through its nose and mouth
verb if a dog yaps, it makes short high sounds

That's curious!

Granny Smith is a variety of green apples. The name was taken from the Australian gardener Maria Ann Smith, also known as Granny Smith. She was the one who first grew the apple in Sydney in the 1860s.

This term originated in 1610, meaning a well-fed servant. Around the year 1700 it began to be used to refer to the traditional guards at the Tower of London. The meaning is quite clear as it's a reference to a servant spoiled by his master, in contrast to a "loaf eater" (a servant that eats only bread).

The word bug is used nowadays to refer to an error or defect that prevents a computer from working correctly. It is believed that Thomas Edison was the first to use it with this meaning, but there is also a more recent story. In 1945, Grace Hopper, a computer pioneer at the Naval Warfare Centre in Dahlgreen, Virginia, found an insect inside a malfunctioning machine. She didn't invent the term, but she used it in the logbooks, stating that a bug had been found.

Hot dog
The use of this word to mean sausage comes from the XIX century. Hot referred to the temperature of the sausage, of course. And dog may have been a reference to the alleged contents of the sausage. In 1845 there were many accusations against sausage makers of using dog meat to make the sausage (which was not true). The term became popular and was often used in newspapers, making it as common as it is today.

Offensive words for people according to nationality or ethnicity

 You should be very careful about using these offensive words .

noun   a black person. This word is sometimes considered offensive.

the American spelling of coloured

noun   a black person

noun   an insulting word used in the past for a worker with no special skills in China, India, and other parts of Asia

noun   an extremely offensive word for a person from Italy, Spain, Portugal, or South America

noun   a member of the Inuit people. This word is now sometimes considered offensive.

16 March, 2010


Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.
But then, ...

18 February, 2010

The families of instruments

the families of instruments
Cargado originalmente por Auntie Bell
I hope this mind map helps you have a clearer idea of the most common musical instruments.

13 February, 2010


The PRESS WORKSHOP students have thought of some slogans to fight the dirtiness in the classrooms.

They hope they can convince other students to have a responsible attitude towards the environment.

Choose your favourite and vote. If you want to contribute with any other slogans, you are welcome to leave a comment below.


The DBH1A students of music have been working hard on these presentations. We hope they will help you to know a little bit more about the musical instruments. Enjoy them.

Click on my name above if you want to see the rest of the music projects by DBH 1A.

10 February, 2010

Aztec Aphrodisiac Hot Chocolate for Valentine’s Day

This sweet-and-spicy recipe is just what the love doctor ordered. The comforting aroma will calm your heart and stimulate your senses, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day brew. In a small saucepan, combine 1/2 cup water, 1 1/2 cups of milk, 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 whole cloves, a pinch each of ground ginger and crushed red pepper. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. With a wire whisk, stir in 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom. Strain into 2 large mugs, top with whipped cream, and enjoy.
PREP TIP: For a lighter treat use water or almond milk instead of cow’s milk. For a richer delicacy substitute the cocoa with 1/4 cup of 70 percent dark chocolate chips by melting them in a double boiler and heating the milk, sugar, and spices in a separate pot. Strain the milk mixture before slowly stirring in the melted chocolate.
HEALTH BENEFITS: Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium, may lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and is packed with disease-fighting antioxidants.
(Extract from http://www.care2.com/)

04 February, 2010


This is Samuel Ramey on Sesame Street 'L Toreador'.

For men, the bass is the lowest type of voice. One of the famous bass singers of our time is Samuel Ramey.

Virtual Drums. Be a funky drummer and go with your mouse over the drums.

Hit the keys

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